Tuesday 6 September 2011

Number One

All right, so here is my first blog post. I am not sure what direction my posts will go in, but you can be sure that it will be centered around architecture and design, with a particular emphasis on mid-century modernism. I am a big fan.  My father is a designer and the person I blame on my constant loving and critiquing of everything around me. He has also instilled in me a love of raw, natural materials, simple and beautiful things that exist without any help from us humans. I am not much of a writer (as I’m sure you’ve noticed) I work better with pictures than words. And on that note, the inspiration for my first post will be something my dad always tells me, whenever you have a flaw, an eye sore, or an obstacle that you can’t get rid of, figure out a way to turn it into a feature. Enjoy. 

Halifax’s own MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects designed the Kutcher house around a very obvious obstacle – a giant granite boulder protruding from the ground. Having the house ever so gently sitting atop turns the rock into an extension of the house making it part of the architecture rather than trying to disguise it or all together get rid of it. I love that the homeowners use it as their patio with two classic adirondack chairs painted in cheerful colors. 

The kitchen, housing a 21' long island, and living room faces out towards the water with floor to ceiling windows and doors for easy access to the boulder. A good place to have your morning coffee while you watch the ships go by. 

I'll leave you with a picture of the staircase. I have an obsession with staircases and this one is no exception. Its steel construction provides stability and structure to the house as well as a means to get from one level to the next. 

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